We all have those days where everything is just not worth getting out of bed of. I have had a few of those days in my life and they come in periods. And some times you can't find the logic explanation of these types of days.

I am not and expert on this subject at all but I have learn a few thing to make my day a little bit better.  And to be honest it is really the little things that makes the different in these typs of situations.

If there are one thing that makes me feel a little bit better in my head, it is music. Listen to something that makes you happy and think other thoughts.

Don't shut you friends out just because you fell bad. Talk to them maybe they have some good ideas on how to get better. They are understanding on how you fell and are there to listening to you.
I am the person that are good at shut everyone of when I fell bad. I just stay in bed, sleep and listening to music. But it really good to talk to someone about what you feel and the best person to talk to about that are pro poly your friends.

Do some thing that makes you happy
I know that sounds a little much to ask for when you fell down but it really helps. If you love to read, then read one of your favorites books. If taking to you best friend, talk to that person. Just do some things that makes you happy.
I like to watch a TV series or something like that because that is what makes me happy.

Daylight and fresh air
Sometimes going outside helps with a lot of things. Go for a long walk and get the fresh air and just clear out your mind. Sometimes being in the same room all day long can be a bit to much so coming outside from your house can also help.

Focus on the good things in your life
Do you have a friend that just knows when somethings is wrong? Or do you have a sister that just understands you, when no one else does? That is something that means something for your day, even when you are down. Like I said earlier it is the little things in life that means something when you fell down.

I really hope that some of the things helps on the days where you don't fell that well. I like to do some of these things when I am down.
Like I said in the start I am not an expert at all, but I have learned that these things works for me over the years.

Do you have any tips or ideas when you are down over something? Let me know in a comment

Love, Caroline Mathilde