Ever since this beauty thing came out I have been wanting to try it so bad. But for me it have not been easy to get hold on it. During the summer this product was released in Denmark. I didn't buy it at first mainly because it is so expensive. And then when I thought that I never were buying this, it came out on a website that I have a point card with and I bought it with my points. And I was really glad that I bought it when I did.
The makes is used a lot among makeup artist, celebrities and models, to I thought if they can have nice skin so can I and after I stated using this my skin have been better.

I  have been using this twice a week for the last couple of weeks. I had a break from it when I was in London and I could definitely see that on my skin. My skin had been braking out like crazy but when I stated using this again after my trip my  skin went back to normal after one and a half week.

I really love the tingle effect that this made have. This mask does that and the main reason why I like that is that I think that the mask is working and it is!

Inside this magical thing you will find things like: Green Tea Leaf, Camomile, Lavender and many more amazing ingredients. The mask is a deep cleansing mask but at the same time the ingredients also moisturize the skin. With masks like this my skin have been irritated, but with this make it haven't, which is amazing!

How I do it: I apply a thin to medium layer amount on the skin and leave it on for 10 minutes. Like I said before the make tingle and it does that while it is drying. Once the time has come to take the mask off I use a warm wash cloth using circular motions and those circular motions exfoliates the skin.
The result that I can see after using this is that my skin looks brighter, clean and it smooth evert thing out, all at the same time.

So all in all I am absolutely in love with this mask! I will keep repurchase it as long as I can. It is expensive, but in my opinion it is all the money worth.
And I will definitely recommend this to every one out there!

XO Caroline Mathilde