Is there anything better that spending the time up to Christmas and the time after with the family and doing Christmas things together? A thing my family and I like to do is watch Christmas movies, and I thought that I would share some of my favorite Christmas movies with you.

There is one time a year where the sofa, the coziness and the joy of a good movies are a bit larger than normal, and where most people get a special urge to watch some very particular movies over and over again.
Of course I am talking about Christmas and the tradition and good memories that most associate with seeing a good Christmas movie, a time where it does not matter if you have seen the same movie a million times.
Sometimes the best movie is the one that you look for consistently every year.

Love Actually 

The Holiday 


Home Alone 

Home Alone 2

A Christmas Carol 

Bridget Jones’s Diary 

Since I am obsessed with Christmas and everything about it I have gathered some of my favorite Christmas movies and some of the movies I can watch over and over again.

Love, Caroline Mathilde