A new month and a new monthly wish list. February was amazing. Had some great days, some amazing moments. Some of the things that I wished for I did not have the time today, but aging it is a wish list for that month. The things that are on the list are things that I want to do over the month.

Next month is a little bit more excited. I have a concert, a trip to New York and it is that time of the year when I am turning years.

From last month's list, I can check off almost everything on the list. I did not go to the hairdresser and that thing with getting my room more organized did happen neither.

Tulips in Copenhagen. 

Here are the 10 things that I want to do in March:
  • Have another mother-daughter day.
  • Have a crazy concert with Katy Perry and my sister. 
  • See some of my old friends.
  • Have an amazing birthday in New York City.
  • Explore New York City more that I have done before.
  • Have a long and nice walk through Central Park. 
  • Explore my creativity. Be more creative that I am right now and find the time to be creative.
  • I need to go to the hairdresser this month. My ends really need it. 
  • Eat a lot of doughnuts and pancakes while I am in New York City. 
  • Find the Lorac Pro palette in New York. This will be my mission for that week. 
What do you want to do in the month of March? Let me know in a comment!

Love, Caroline Mathilde