For the last few days, I have been in beed with the flu. The only two things I have been doing is sleeping and drinking tea. A lot. Now I have forced my self out of the bed and in front the computer. So here I am, writing to you guys.
I have used my day on tumblr and listen to One Directions new album. I have not been to school for the last week. It's okay I'm not in school, because at the moment I am school tired, but I miss my friends at school.
So no school for me before monday!

Ill and more

For the last few days, I have been in beed with the flu. The only two things I have been doing is sleeping and drinking tea. A lot. Now I have forced my self out of the bed and in front the computer. So here I am, writing to you guys.
I have used my day on tumblr and listen to One Directions new album. I have not been to school for the last week. It's okay I'm not in school, because at the moment I am school tired, but I miss my friends at school.
So no school for me before monday!


Just a quick update on how my life is going at the moment:

  • I have no boyfriend
  • I have a cruch on the wrong guy
  • My life at the moment is only school
  • My social life is not that big, since homework and school have taking over my life
  • I have a ton of clothes in my closet, and nothing to wear 
  • I have had a crush on Harry Styles for the longest time. And now then I'm almost 19, this crush I want to get an end on. 
  • I eat cake and candy to much at the moment
  • Never watched Harry Potter and now I'm wondering why?
  •  I have to many Vogue magazines 
  • I hate that it is getting colder outside
  • I love coffee 
  • My friend keep posting wired videos on my Facebook wall and that is fun
  • Gald that it is weekend now and I don't have school until wednesday
  • Lunch with two amazing girls today
  • During in homework
  • Love Lorde's new album, have been listing to it for the last month
  • Loving that in about two weeks it is December
  • I don't get much sleep 
  • Thought that last year of high school were suppose to be easy but noooo
  • Let it be February soon so I can go to London
  • I'm to much on the Internet
  • Watch to many series online
  • Netfilx is my life some times, when it can
  • Have to many shoes at my room
  • Finnaly Friday 

Some of the videos my friend have posted on my wall o Facebook. When I saw these videos I was in class and could not stop laughing. 

xo Caroline Mathilde

My Life As It Is Right Now #1

Just a quick update on how my life is going at the moment:

  • I have no boyfriend
  • I have a cruch on the wrong guy
  • My life at the moment is only school
  • My social life is not that big, since homework and school have taking over my life
  • I have a ton of clothes in my closet, and nothing to wear 
  • I have had a crush on Harry Styles for the longest time. And now then I'm almost 19, this crush I want to get an end on. 
  • I eat cake and candy to much at the moment
  • Never watched Harry Potter and now I'm wondering why?
  •  I have to many Vogue magazines 
  • I hate that it is getting colder outside
  • I love coffee 
  • My friend keep posting wired videos on my Facebook wall and that is fun
  • Gald that it is weekend now and I don't have school until wednesday
  • Lunch with two amazing girls today
  • During in homework
  • Love Lorde's new album, have been listing to it for the last month
  • Loving that in about two weeks it is December
  • I don't get much sleep 
  • Thought that last year of high school were suppose to be easy but noooo
  • Let it be February soon so I can go to London
  • I'm to much on the Internet
  • Watch to many series online
  • Netfilx is my life some times, when it can
  • Have to many shoes at my room
  • Finnaly Friday 

Some of the videos my friend have posted on my wall o Facebook. When I saw these videos I was in class and could not stop laughing. 

xo Caroline Mathilde
The British to American English dictionary you have always needed!

xo Caroline Mathilde 

The British to American English dictionary!

The British to American English dictionary you have always needed!

xo Caroline Mathilde 
10 random facts about me.

1. I don't like chocolate ice cream.

2. I love traveling. If i could I would live by traveling.

3. For the first time in April I traveled outside Europa. I went to New York.

4. I'm really good at science and math. Have straight A in both classes. 

5. I want to live and study in London in about two or three years. 

6. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Keeping Up With The Kardashians and other reality TV shows are my TV guilty pleasures.

7. My woman crush is Blake Lively.

8. Sometimes I just want to be alone in my room instead of being with my friends.

9. I collect Vogue magazines. I manly have Vogue from America and England. But I have a lot.

10. I love being with my family. And therefore I love holidays like Christmas where you are with your family.

xo Caroline Mathilde

10 random things about me

10 random facts about me.

1. I don't like chocolate ice cream.

2. I love traveling. If i could I would live by traveling.

3. For the first time in April I traveled outside Europa. I went to New York.

4. I'm really good at science and math. Have straight A in both classes. 

5. I want to live and study in London in about two or three years. 

6. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Keeping Up With The Kardashians and other reality TV shows are my TV guilty pleasures.

7. My woman crush is Blake Lively.

8. Sometimes I just want to be alone in my room instead of being with my friends.

9. I collect Vogue magazines. I manly have Vogue from America and England. But I have a lot.

10. I love being with my family. And therefore I love holidays like Christmas where you are with your family.

xo Caroline Mathilde
Even though it is the middle of November, I have some monthly goals for the month of Novemberor just one goal.
At the moment school have taking over my life, and what I want is to just relax and not thinking about school. But there are no time for that. The next one and half month, I'm writing a huge task in english and history. And this task is going to be to grades on my exams paper at the summer. So my time goes to that at the moment.
So I only have one goal for November and that is to be as much prepared for this task i December as I  possible can be. But at the same time there are musical at my school. So that I just want to succeed as well.

xo Caroline Mathilde

Goals of the month: November

Even though it is the middle of November, I have some monthly goals for the month of Novemberor just one goal.
At the moment school have taking over my life, and what I want is to just relax and not thinking about school. But there are no time for that. The next one and half month, I'm writing a huge task in english and history. And this task is going to be to grades on my exams paper at the summer. So my time goes to that at the moment.
So I only have one goal for November and that is to be as much prepared for this task i December as I  possible can be. But at the same time there are musical at my school. So that I just want to succeed as well.

xo Caroline Mathilde
I apoligize for not posting some thing in over a week, but school have taking over my life and all the hours I have left I use them to sleep.
Hopfully next week would not be so bad, I hope. So right now my life is all about school.

My life at the moment.

xo Caroline Mathilde

Where have I been?

I apoligize for not posting some thing in over a week, but school have taking over my life and all the hours I have left I use them to sleep.
Hopfully next week would not be so bad, I hope. So right now my life is all about school.

My life at the moment.

xo Caroline Mathilde
